Rasayana - Ayurvedia Art of Rejuvenation
Rasayana, or the ancient Ayurvedic art of rejuvenation, has become increasingly popular these days.
What is Rasayana? Rasayana is a means of longevity and tissue (dhatu) rejuvenation. One must make a note, though, that a yogi is not afraid of aging or death, but being in a good health is essential to keep working with one's karma, fulfilling the dharma (destined life path) and, reaching the ultimate yogic goal of liberation (moksha).
Having said that, there are a few tricks and recommendations on how a yogi can reverse time and maintain their vigor. The whole art of Rasayana is based on the following pillars: enough sleep (nidra), proper nutrition, movement, breathwork, and a routine (dinacharya).
Staying healthy in Ayurveda means the same as staying healthy in Western medicine - we get sick when our body accumulates excess toxins, which influence our body tissues to underperform or even mutate. So the most important thing is to consistently keep getting read of the toxins, which in its turn means keeping a healthy digestive system (agni).
From the nutrition perspective, Ayurveda recommends the following:
- Try to eat as little processed foods as possible
- Eating a substance like Chyavanprash (1 tbsp a day) or taking Amalaki fruit in pills (both can be found in an Ayurvedic store)
- Eat simple foods, easy to digest
- Not overeat or eat late. The biggest intake of food should be done between 10 am to 4 pm (pitta dosha of the day).
- To aid digestion, one can make an infusion of coriander seeds, fennel, and cumin.
Apart from that here are a few other suggestions to promote your Rasayana:
- Follow the rhythms of nature - get up early, go to sleep early
- Have enought time spent outside
- Get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours daily)
- Movement with asanas
Ayurveda also recommends performing a detox, around 2 a year - either in early spring or in early autumn.
Written by Alina Cvetkova
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